G1Accentuate The Positive  ‡ÞFFFFFFFFFF @FFFFFÿÿÿ~               ÿÿÿ~  %( ÿÿÿÿÿÿUN(YouGotta)AC-CEN- tuate the positive E- lim- inate the negativeN latch on to the affirmative DON'TmessWithMr.inBe-TWEEN.YouGottaN spread joy out to the maximum keep gloom down to a minimumN Have faith or pandimonium's liable to walk upon the SEA.To illus-N trate my last re-MARK,Jonah in the whale,Noah in the ARK what did theyN do just when everything looked so DARK? DonchaKnowTheyHadToN Ac- cen- tuate the positive E- lim- inate the negativeN latch on- to the affirmativeDON'T mess withMr.inBetween(youGotta)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿYBÿªÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿáÈ °Àâ-wÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ  °Á&5X/N7HJ¦5QX%>cE¸>]ù=`!>X+n=H‘>P:å:X# 7S?`5Z'Úf/© :Z'Ó 7V; 5O%” =iž >[b9 >av =cŸ >M>ì =H>UCd]0q:CE¼7J$ç:[''5[L7QTž5UÉ>a¶´>^ö=e>L2m=W•>L>åd/¡:O'Ê7NQ5VN•=b–<< Ÿ>gp7>X#{=i">SKòA@"=^ >^2gT$l:FE¸7="â:[!'!Aa4r!CJ”!AK*Æ!>a¶•"Aa(ã"CT'*#AZ8†#>^Ò˜$C]-ç$AZ.%>@8_%RSã,cJ»1>]ø2=f! 3>JHt3=H–3>H>æ3:\% 47TP_45*2×4`-¦7:Y-Î77[085U7•8=b š8<  ž8>bg69>a,v:=e"›:>RKõ:=M;>9Gi;]9o=:Q;»=7T%é=:R,'?5MN?7\J?5W:Ñ?>T@>[W@=V¸@>H4A:O01A7?=yA5;ªA:X×JlC[Kÿÿ—ª