C2Black Sheep of the Family @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]  ]h!&) N My daddy was a brakeman of the highball travellin train Him 'nL mama they raised up 4 little kids and the famly had a good name Mom andA poppa wanted for us all the things they never had N Big brother little brother sister too none of them turned out half bad,xeptN me... I'm the black sheep of theM family.. Big brother went to college and be-N came a doctor man. I guess he makesaboutamilliondollarsayearL from the folks on insurance plans He drives a big long Mercedes and has aM house overlookin the town.. he sits in his Jacuzzi and he watches theD sun go down.. he feels real sorry for me.... M I'm the black sheep of the family. IK drive me a big ole semi truck I'm makin payments of a 2-room shack MyK wife she waits on tables and at night she rubs my back.. and IL tell her what my poppa said to my momma when he got off the hiball trainF "Wake me up early be good to my dogs and teach my children to pray"M Big sister married aL bankey yeah he owns a country club.. He bought her a bigN ole racin horse and a funny lookin little dog. He buys here big rings anL diamonds and a brand new Japanese yacht.. They like to getN together and talk about all the things they got.. but they never mention< me... I'm the black sheep of the family..: I drive me a big ole semi truck.....B ZZHEVROK.STY [;W3>[2@a4C]4;R>W@TCRXFfKbJ8 EJ1CP/ @[;K>L>]<@d?C];;o2?;f?>v@@fACf Fj>] EY5 C?; @T8 >EN Foy C= Ft CIN Fo`W CQo CCnCMCVD@THC_]CQ|D\ EfD=@<T@rH5>,CPFoT>FoMFbp,C?BnFoiCVcWC_C[lj@Q2CoQClVyCr.CN"CT83@d>CoHY%HYAFfVHoAHVsFEHJfNhHlH]FYW Hr`H]THYAGFV8J!FfVF"F_;~"CMD"Ffv8#C@)}#FbA#ClZb$Cvs$CW%CY1Q%@_;%CfY%Cd5G&CVD&ClG9'@f]'Cz(Jd (JW;Q)JzG-Hf5.FQ8p.HaJ.HzD_/HvG/Fb8/JRM0Hd#U0CW%V0Fjk0C24F\P5FzAF5C>x5Fb5CC/6FoD6C\7Cdl7@C58C`8C_S8CM8Eo9@T#9@a;d:>;Ca-<FbD<FbA<C=<Fbv}=C9=FjD>C[l>CW%>CRJI?Cl>?@R?CVK@Cv+@CR"@CV/ACVArA@o5ACvBHl"CHV;JCFKCHrDHdDF>#=EJfd@EHdEHD FHFHdAGFO1MGHoWGH~NEHH/zHH8HHFV)HJoKFf`KFbNLFtm~LC0 LFoG)MCvONCW9N@J(NC3OCB(BOCP,OCJ OD_OEomP@_JmP@~DP>zYRE@RJiQSJlZSJdKSH]2SEY5TJrVHzzWFO;WHdM,XHz\XHrGXFY1YJWT_YH[/YCIYFff ZC]Hd]G7 ]EL]Hz]F^HrJ^Hi2_HWGp_EF_Hz5_HlAP`JvW`CRaFt2?aCTtaFj>aCHaCaD>bC5 zbJrGbC[4cCdHd eEDXeHTeHiZ;fH_YfFJfJvrkgH_hH[hCRDhDz hEftiF_ }iG]iEi[GjG~KQjH8 jDY jEzJlE_>lCRlFzAmFF/ImFj8mFVnC]^ynC_jnCW#+oCR>SoF-)foH<loJfwoH_TpFj;SpCY%pCW/pCT,qCR+FqCJ%~qFoQqC_85rCz'tCN>UtFE]tFK`;uFjN|uCG&uCW+uCYoxvCT)vCR)vC]fw>d#x>lSx>~BxJlN2yHd8wyE_~yFbJz;9z;z@;zC;z>z@z9a z;rzCvr|Eou|J]tx|Fb9|EVH|CYA3}@d;x}>Y}>Y?}@f?}CQ?}d~@e~Cl1Ei7FjH|EdDĀCT>@a8=>[">@F"vForCA&C<)6F=΂CTWFbvCVBCifCa<@WH1ComCfjDVEonb@_`Ն@vvN>~/C[;FM7;FK.yFfDCGFziVCNFoJC]CRo@CY>{@MGC]2CW,0CY1qCR%CW;CWJW@YWЎCzHD)JW%HYG/FV2mHd\HiΑFO>J]Ho9HWEPo(HdyH_c#Ha%^Hd?F_,ՕJWTؕHf,CFf;7FQiC@"FjfRC@1FVQCVCWɚCac9CWDt@<CvoCRgZDMgEi >-b@lG؝>)JFhJf_J_Y`JlJHa2٠FfJ#oHz]FK>H__HicHdA¥Ff8JTT>HTEsFKjCdBH_GT vFVBHiY(Ho]HrfH_GUFAHdPѬFfD/Ha%;JDʭEdF_;:CVuFt<|I; ʮFtACQmOI:]H9%^JM'L>(JJ)C[GFtH]Y HzcH]]HlF1ɳJdc?H~HfleCI[DYF+ E~6F_ <G_۶ErZ%GzTD EfgC@ Ea,FTZiC%<FoT$FjTF_AߺCRVTCr`ͻC] ׻F CY? F&;F1?HD?JfHfTER FfB5CW,qCi1CV.CG5%C62aFb>CaZCv!CL!%E]#,FfFJSFzEbC[)C7/CYoLCA%CY.C]jK>a%|>Y5>F(>[`f>PFG<HEJfQH_KSFo,;d>>~>@?C]@;i>@CaF