GDock Of The Bay- nÖ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@˙˙˙^,, ˙˙˙^( %( ˙˙˙˙˙˙UE(I'm)sittin'in the mornin' SUN, SITTIN'when the ev'nin' COME. MWatchin' the ships roll IN, then I'll watch em' roll away a- GAIN. I'mMsittin' on the dock of the BAY watchin' the TIDE roll a- way. I'm0sittin' on the dock of the BAY wastin' time.BLeft my home in Georgia, I was headed for the Frisco BAY. CI got nothin' to live for,looks like nothin's gonna come my WAY, Msittin' on the dock of the BAY, watchin' the TIDE roll a- way, I'm1sittin' on the dock of the BAY, wastin' time.JLooks like nothin's ever gonna change, everything still re-MAINS the sameNI can't do what 10 people TELL me to do, SO I guess I'll just re-MAIN the same˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙şB˙˝˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙áČ °Ŕâ-w˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ °Áƒ7PEŔf/ƒ i:ǐ@W3AbBC@97|AdAš@]>óAWB.@P3j?b>Š>i…‰9f.Đ]ţ˜EW@ՐCW< @P6ECqôm>f p?b |@k.ą>F;çqސ9W/@÷;5;4<_@p;D/Šk  <9=i>f:Lbl#?Pr#@dé€%A_AŔ%@@3ý%Ak=;&@8!q&Akrî&@f('>i6ƒ)Yé*?W î*@Uˆ,>Y;Ć,@H2-AiBB-@B0z-Af?ˇ-@R6ô-AkB1.@H;k.?R<Ş.>fŕˆ09@6Ă0dë–3En>Ń3CPC4@W1G4CfŢo5>dq5?b ~5@d5˛5>F=ę5<=5(6>iĹ 89R2G8ƒ8;85ž8d  ;d4L;<9>ˆ;9P2Č;P"OJbB-P<[jP?W vP@fď˙˙ž˝