HDon't Sit Under The Apple Tree@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@>    ?0 %( U@ Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but meI anyone else but me anyone else but me no no noL don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me till0 I come march- ing homeC don't go walking down lovers lane with anyone else but me J anyone else but me anyone else but me no no noK don't go walkin down lovers lane with anyone else but me till0 I come march- ing homeKI just got word from the guy who heard from the guy next door to me theF girl he met just loves to pet and it fits you to a T soK don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me till0 I come march- ing home:B J_BASIE1.STY 5Andrew Sisters in Private BuckarooTempo = 150Lew Brown Charlie Thomas Sam Stept 19422-w&AZ`8AZ`AZ@AZ (CZ`EZ`EZ`EZXFZ HZ@HZ HZ`pJZ`HZ`` EZ@ FZ@ FZ FZ`0 HZ` FZ` CZEZ@PEZ xEZ`FZ`hEZ`AZ`XHZ`HZ`HHZ`AZ`8AZ`AZ@AZ (CZ`EZ`EZ`EZXFZ HZ@HZ HZ`pJZ`HZ``EZ >Z`@CZ0CZ AZ@ZAZ!AZ`8"AZ`"AZ@#AZ (#CZ`#EZ`$EZ`$EZX%FZ %HZ@%HZ %HZ`p&JZ`&HZ``'EZ@)FZ@)FZ )FZ`0*HZ`*FZ` +CZ-EZ@P-EZ x-EZ`-FZ`h.EZ`.AZ`X/HZ`/HZ`H0HZ`0AZ`81AZ`1AZ@2AZ (2CZ`2EZ`3EZ`3EZX4FZ 4HZ@4HZ 4HZ`p5JZ`5HZ``6EZ 7>Z`@8CZ09CZ :AZ;@Z<AZ?FZ`8@FZ`@FZ`(AFZ@xAHZ AJZ`BJZ`BJZ`CFZ@XCGZ CHZ`CJZ`pDFZ`DHZ``EEZ FCZ`@GAZ`GAZ`0HAZ`HCZ` IEZ`IEZ`JEZ`JCZ@JAZ K@Z`xK@Z`KAZ`hLBZ`LCZMHZNAZ`8OAZ`OAZ@PAZ (PCZ`PEZ`QEZ`QEZXRFZ RHZ@RHZ RHZ`pSJZ`SHZ``TEZ U>Z`@VCZ0WCZ XAZY@ZZAZAZ`8AZ`AZ@AZ (CZ`EZ`EZ`EZXFZ HZ@HZ HZ`pJZ`HZ``EZ@FZ@FZ FZ`0HZ`FZ` CZEZ@PEZ xEZ`FZ`hEZ`AZ`XHZ`HZ`H HZ` AZ`8!AZ`!AZ@"AZ ("CZ`"EZ`#EZ`#EZX$FZ $HZ@$HZ $HZ`p%JZ`%HZ``&EZ '>Z`@(CZ0)CZ *AZ+@Z,AZ/AZ`80AZ`0AZ@1AZ (1CZ`1EZ`2EZ`2EZX3FZ 3HZ@3HZ 3HZ`p4JZ`4HZ``5EZ@7FZ@7FZ 7FZ`08HZ`8FZ` 9CZ;EZ@P;EZ x;EZ`;FZ`h<EZ`<AZ`X=HZ`=HZ`H>HZ`>AZ`8?AZ`?AZ@@AZ (@CZ`@EZ`AEZ`AEZXBFZ BHZ@BHZ BHZ`pCJZ`CHZ``DEZ E>Z`@FCZ0GCZ HAZI@ZJAZMFZ`8NFZ`NFZ`(OFZ@xOHZ OJZ`PJZ`PJZ`QFZ@XQGZ QHZ`QJZ`pRFZ`RHZ``SEZ TCZ`@UAZ`UAZ`0VAZ`VCZ` WEZ`WEZ`XEZ`XCZ@XAZ Y@Z`xY@Z`YAZ`hZBZ`ZCZ[HZ\AZ`8]AZ`]AZ@^AZ (^CZ`^EZ`_EZ`_EZX`FZ `HZ@`HZ `HZ`paJZ`aHZ``bEZ c>Z`@dCZ0eCZ fAZg@ZhAZ5