I* Mad About The Boy)LA L L@c @ @@@@ @ @ L@ L L @LcL@ L L@c @ @@@@ @ @ L@ L L @LcL         D$), L Mad A-bout The Boy, I know it's stu-pid to be Mad A-bout The Boy, I'm so a-M shamed of it, but must ad-mit the sleep-less nights I've had a-bout the boy.MOn T silver screen,he melts my foolish heart in ev'ry single scene, altho I'mL quite a-ware that here and there are tra-ces of the cad a-bout the boy.I Lord knows I'm not a school-girl, I real-ly should-n't care;M Lord knows I'm not a school-girl, in the flur-ry of her first af-fairM Will it ever cloy? This odd diversity of misery and joy; I'm feel-ingL quite insane and young again, and all because I'm Mad A-bout The Boy.MMad About The Boy, It's pret-ty fun-ny but I'm Mad About The Boy. He has aM gay ap-peal that makes me feel there's may-be some-thing sad a-bout the boy.MWalkin down T street,his I's look out at me from people that I meet;I cant B-Mlieve it's true, but when I'm blue in some strange way I'm glad about the boyD I'm hard-ly sen-ti-men-tal, Love is-n't so sub-lime K I have to pay my rent-al and I can't af-ford to waste much time.LIf I could employ _a little magic that would finally destroy_this dream thatI plains me and en-chains me, but I can't be-cause I'm Mad A-bout The Boy.B SINATRA.STY J Ƞ-w$@ AT@ >T >T@ >T 0 >Tp ?T AT@ ?T CT@`AT ?T@>T AT@P>T x>T@>T >T XAT`?T`H>T`T 8?T@AT CT@ET (GT@xHT BT`BT`CT`?T`>T@T >T@>T 0>Tp?T AT@?T CT@`AT ?T@>T AT@P>T x>T@>T >T X AT` ?T`H!>T`!T 8"?T@"AT "CT@#ET (#GT@x#HT #JT`$JT`$JT`%JT`%GT@%CT %CT@H&CT p&CT@@)KT0*JT@*HT *FT@*ET +JT`+JT -IT-HT@@.FT h.DT@.CT .DT0DT1CT@2AT (2?T@x2>T 2AT@2?T 3>T@h3?T 3BT@3CT 4JT@X4HT 4?Tp5?T`6CTe@8AT@8>T 8>T@9>T 09>Tp:?T :AT@:?T ;CT@`;AT ;?T@;>T <AT@P<>T x<>T@<>T <>T X>AT`>?T`H?>T`?T 8@?T@@AT @CT@AET (AGT@xAHT AKT`BKT`BKT`CJT`CJT@CHT CHT@HDHT pDHT@@GAT@G>T G>T@H>T 0H>TpI?T IAT@I?T JCT@`JAT J?T@J>T KAT@PK>T xK>T@K>T K>T XMAT`M?T`HN>T`NT 8O?T@OAT OCT@PET (PGT@xPHT PBT`QBT`QCT`R?T`R>T@RT V>T@W>T 0W>TpX?T XAT@X?T YCT@`YAT Y?T@Y>T ZAT@PZ>T xZ>T@Z>T Z>T X\AT`\?T`H]>T`]T 8^?T@^AT ^CT@_ET (_GT@x_HT _JT``JT``JT`aJT`aGT@aCT aCT@HbCT pbCT@@eKT0fJT@fHT fFT@fET gJT`gJT iITiHT@@jFT hjDT@jCT jDTlDTmCT@nAT (n?T@xn>T nAT@n?T o>T@ho?T oBT@oCT pJT@XpHT p?Tpq?T`rCT{@tAT@t>T t>T@u>T 0u>Tpv?T vAT@v?T wCT@`wAT w?T@w>T xAT@Px>T xx>T@x>T x>T XzAT`z?T`H{>T`{T 8|?T@|AT |CT@}ET (}GT@x}HT }KT`~KT`~KT`JT`JT@HT HT@HHT pHT@ʊ