IAt The Jazz Band Ball'@@@@@ @@@@@@!@@@        %( )B DIXILAND.STY Ƞ-wD Professions: Guitar Player (classical and electric). Trombone player, recorder player, lousy harmonica player, diabolical singer. Food packaging systems developer/marketer. Scuba diver. Primary Instrument: trombone Primary Influence: Jack Teagarden. Chuck Berry Music Education: Piano and recorder lessons as a child. Orchestral and brass band education in the local brass band and at secondary school. NZ National Youth orchestra and self-taught Area of Activities: Wellington New Zealand. Notable Works: No great compositions. Working on it. I have figured out all Jack Teagarden's special trombone positions by studying videos of > him. I think that is a big deal. Favourite Band: Louis Armstrong All stars, Any band with Jack Teagarden, Beatles, Stones. Favourite Jazz Album: Satch Plays Fats. I played trombone as a teenager and electric guitar in a Rock/pop band in my late teens in the mid sixties. I did not touch a trombone from 1962 to about 1996. I found orchestral and brass band chart playing boring but did not understand why. I now think what I was lacking was the whole experience of developing new wiring and programming in my brain to connect my brain to my muscles so that I could improvise as a genuine jazz player. It is possible to play an instrument as automatically as one whistles. I started to learn how in my early fifties. I am not great at it yet but I am good enough to get a huge buzz out of it. If you want further information regarding Chris Caudwell's BIAB music files, you could simply post your comment or question to BIABFSG@yahoogroups.com or contact Chris Caudwell at caudwellc@xtra.co.nz. hEZ@EZ DZ EZ@EZ`xDZ EZ@EZ DZ`EZLZ`pLZ8 KZ ` LZ@ LZ LZ`P HZ@ GZ EZ` CZ@ EZ 0 GZ@ EZ CZ@ EZ HZ@p HZ GZ`EZ`@Z`CZ@PEZ xGZ@HZ LZ`hLZ`JZEZ@EZ`DZ EZ@EZ`xDZ EZ@EZ DZ`EZLZ`pLZ8KZ `LZ@LZ LZ`PHZ@GZ EZ`JZ`LZ 0JZ@HZ EZ`pJZ`LZ JZ@`HZ EZ`LZ@PLZ xLZ@LZ`hLZ`JZ !HZ H!GZ@!FZ !EZ`8"IZ`"LZ`(#IZ`#EZ$EZ %DZ@X%CZ %BZ`%EZ`p&HZ`&LZ``'LZ(GZ (EZ@)DZ @)CZ`)GZ`0*JZ`*LZ` +MZ`+OZ@+LZ``,JZ ,LZ@,JZ -OZ`x-OZ`-LZ@@.KZ`.HZ0EZ@1EZ 1DZ 1EZ@2EZ`x2DZ 2EZ@2EZ 3DZ`3EZ4LZ`p5LZ86KZ `6LZ@6LZ 6LZ`P7HZ@7GZ 7EZ`8MZ 8MZ@9JZ 09JZ@9HZ 9GZ@9EZ :CZ@p:EZ :GZ@:HZ ;LZ<CZ@P<EZ x<GZ@<HZ <LZ`h=LZ`=HZLZ@LZ`KZ LZ@LZ`xKZ LZ@LZ KZ`LZ`LZ`EZ @Z`@ CZ  @Z` CZ @Z`>Z`xBZ`EZ`hHZ`JZ`XGZ`DZ`H@Z`LZ@LZ`KZ LZ@LZ`xKZ LZ@LZ KZ`LZ`LZ`EZ`HZ@HZ HZ`PEZ`@Z`@EZ`GZ`0HZ`>Z` @Z`EZ`BZ`@Z`>Z@P@Z >Z @Z`hBZ`CZ@0 CZ X AZ` @Z`H!>Z`!@Z`8"BZ`"CZx#DZ #EZ`$IZ`$LZ`%IZ`%EZp&>Z`8'@Z `'BZ@'BZ 'EZ@P(HZ`(LZ`@)JZ0*>Z*AZ +CZ@p+CZ +AZ`,@Z`,>Z`-@Z@P-@Z x-@Z`-CZ`h.EZ`.HZ`X/EZ`/CZ`H0KZ`0LZ@1LZ`1KZ 1LZ@2LZ`x2KZ 2LZ@2LZ 3KZ`3LZ`4LZ`4EZ 5GZ``6HZ@6HZ 6HZ`P7EZ`7@Z`@8AZ09BZ`9CZ :HZ@p:LZ :HZ@;EZ`;@Z`<>Z`x<BZ`<CZ@@=CZ h=GZ`=HZ`X>CZ`>HZ?HZA