IChristmas Song, The)R@FF@8@F@@FF@8@@@FF@FF@@FL@FF@8@LLn           o$$), K Chest-nuts roast-ing on an o-pen fire, Jack Frost nip-ping at your nose,NYuletide carols being sung by a choir & folks dressed up like Eskimos.EvrybodyI knows a tur-key and some mis-tle-toe, Help to make the sea-son bright.NTinyTotsWithTheirEyesAllAglow,Will find it hard to sleep tonight. TheyKnowThatNSanta's on his way he's loaded lots of toys and gooodies on his sleigh, & evryL mother's child is gonna spy, To see if reindeer really know how to fly. AndH so, I'm offering this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety two. Al-E tho' it's been said many times, many ways; "Merry Christmas to you."B J!MANCNI.STY !:2:J Swing BalladTempo = 82by Mel Torme & Robert Wellse-w+< KNA5A?KS\:Fg\:?(頠F H*HN>H*.H*@HNCHRFEHPGH[EH*DHxDHxvFHNDH*CHN;AH*fCHVCHNAH*@HN>H*FH*"Hx.#H*#@HN#CHRF$EHP$GH[%EH*%CHN%@H*%EHNK&CH*v&AH;';H*f'*EH**CHN*BH*&+CH,V%c,1DH2CP*.2AHN{2?H*2AH>3?H*4AHN[4?H*4>HN4>HR&5>H(N5>H*v5>HN5>HR6>HPf6>Hc7V%8@H*F8H*=@;HN@HN.AH*A@HxBCHNkBEH*BGHxCHHN[CEH*CCHxCHxfE