G'Clap Your Hands The Beau Marks { iZ                  : %( UMWell, clap your hands, CYH Oh, CYH if you can U got the rhythmL in your feet, now clap your hands, get the beat, CYH, CYH. U've danced theN bop and done the stroll/ the time to rock is getting old/ now clap your handsMright thru the dance, the beat will put u in a trance, CYH, CYH. [into guitar [guitar solo]@L [guitar solo] Now gather 'round &L listen close/ this is the dance that is the most/ oh, if u feel you gottaG stand, get the beat, become the band, CYH, CYH [piano solo] [piano solo]AL [piano solo] You got the beat, ur inK the groove/ now grab your chick & start to move/ this isn't just to rock &3 roll, this is the dance for young & old, CYH, CyH.L Don't go 'way.... Let's get together once again/ this is the way to makeHur plans/oh, if ur ever feeling blue, this is advice I give to you, CYH,%Clap your Hands! [end]WB CHUK_B_1.STY Qg'8_3_3_!_'_Ƞ-wH*H@SH@H@J@IH@"AE@'C@A@fH@*hH@H@ H@ J@<NH@2zF@ J@ J@2( J@U J@+ J@ J@ J@F H@ H@ H@ H@/ J@=w H@9 E@H J@& H@9 H@2 H@ J@G[H@E@&C@$A@3+H@VH@!H@J@;H@?IE@ C@A@fH@*hH@H@ H@ J@<NH@2zF@J@J@2(J@UJ@+J@J@J@FH@H@H@H@/J@=wH@9E@HJ@&H@9H@2H@ J@G[H@E@&C@$A@3+/H@V/H@!/H@/J@;0H@?I0E@ 0C@0A@f3H@*h3H@3H@ 3H@ 4J@<N4H@2z4F@6J@6J@2(7J@U7J@+7J@7J@8J@F8H@8H@8H@9H@/9J@=w9H@99E@H9J@&:H@9:H@2:H@ ;J@G[;H@;E@&;C@$<A@3+MH@VMH@!MH@MJ@;NH@?INE@ NC@NA@fQH@*hQH@QH@ QH@ RJ@<NRH@2zRF@TJ@TJ@2(UJ@UUJ@+UJ@UJ@VJ@FVH@VH@VH@WH@/WJ@=wWH@9WE@HWJ@&XH@9XH@2XH@ YJ@G[YH@YE@&YC@$ZA@3_H@`H@!c`H@`J@;`H@? aE@ SaC@yaA@fcH@*(dH@WdH@ dH@dJ@<eH@2:eF@igJ@gJ@2gJ@hJ@+dhJ@hJ@hJ@iH@NiH@}iH@iH@iJ@=7jH@9mjE@HjJ@jH@9]kH@2kH@kJ@GlH@GlE@&lC@"lEZlHZlMZ/lAK6Y