I* Lets Call The Whole Thing OffAAA8FLAA@ 8LF 8FFF@AA8@@@@AAA8FLAA@ 8LF 8FFF@AA8@@        I7   I7      I7     I7   I7      I7   H$-- K You say ee-ther and I say eye-ther, you say nee-ther and I say ny-therL ee-ther, eye-ther, nee-ther, Ny-ther, Let's Call The Whole Thing Off!MYou like po-ta-to & I like po-tah-to,you like to-ma-to &I like to-mah-to. Po-L ta-to, po-tah-to, to-ma-to, to-mah-to, Let's Call The Whole Thing Off! ButL oh! If we call the whole thing off, then we must part. AndK oh! If we ev-er part, then that might break my heart! So, ifMU like pa-ja-mas & I like pa-jah-mas,I'll were pa-ja-mas & give up pa-jah-masM For we know we need each oth-er, so we_bet-ter call the call-ing off off.K Lets Call The Whole Thing Off. You say laugh-ter & I say lawf-ter;L you say af-ter & I say awf-ter; laugh-ter, lawf-ter, af-ter awf-ter,M Let's Call The Whole Thing Off! You like va-nil-la,& I like va-nel-laLU sas-pa-ril-la & I sas-pa-rel-la;va-nil-la,va-nel-la,choc-'late straw-b'ry!M Let's Call The Whole Thing Off! But Oh! If we call the whole thingL off, then we must part. And oh! If we ever part, thenM that might break my heart! So, if you go 4 oyst-ers & I go 4 erst-ersKI'll order oysters & cancel the ersters. 4 we_no we_need each other, so weI better call the calling off off. Let's Call The Whole Thing Off.EB JAZQUINT.STY $p Ƞ-w$E CT` @T@ BT` BT` @T CT` ET@ GT``GTCT`x@T@BT`@BT`@T CT`XET@GT` GTJT@CTJT@CTJT@CTJT@CTJT`HT@HGT pET`CT@8ET@CT@CT`@T 0BT@BT`@T CT@pCT`ET GT@`GTCT@PCT`@T BT@@BT`@T CT@0 CT` ET GT8 !GT`!GT !JT@"CT`"CT "JT@#CT`x#CT #JT@#CT`h$CT $JT@$CT%JT`%HT@H&GT p&ET`&CT@8'CT@(CT`@)LT +JT@p+IT +GT@+IT ,JT`,JT`-GT`x-GT`-HT`h.HT`.ET H0@T`0LT2JT@2IT 3GT@h3IT 3JT`4JT`4GT`4GT`p5HT`5HT``6ET 7>T@8>T @8CT@8CT`9@T 09BT@9BT`9@T :CT@p:CT`:ET ;GT@`;GT<CT@P<CT`<@T <BT@@=BT`=@T =CT@0>CTX>ET >GT@ ?GT?JT@@CT@JT@ACTAJT@AJT BCT@hBCT BJT@BCTCJT@CJT CHT@HDGT pDHT@DGT DET``EGT@GLT`GJT@HHT 0HGT`HET` ICTKCT`xK@T@KBT`@LBT`L@T LCT`XMET@MGT` NGTNCT`8O@T@OBT`PBT`xP@T PCT`QET@hQGT`QGTRJT@RCTpSJT@SCT`TJT@TCTPUJT@UCT@VJT`VHT@WGT 0WET`WCT@WETZCT@PZCT`Z@T ZBT@@[BT`[@T [CT@0\CT`\ET \GT@ ]GT]CT@^CT`^@T ^BT@_BT`x_@T _CT@_CT`h`ET `GT@`GT`XaGT aJT@aCT`HbCT pbJT@bCT``cJT@cCT`(dCT PdJT@dCT@eJT`eHT@fGT 0fET`fCT@fCT@hCT`iLTjJT@0kIT XkGT@kIT kJT`HlJT`lGT`8mGT`mHT`(nHT`nET p@T`pLT`rJT@rIT rGT@(sIT PsJT`sJT`@tGT`tGT`0uHT`uHT` vET w>T@w>T xCT@PxCT`x@T xBT@@yBT`y@T yCT@0zCT`zET zGT@ {GT{CT@|CT`|@T |BT@}BT`x}@T }CT@}CTXh~ET ~GT@~GTJT@CTpJT@CT`JT@JT ؁CT@(CT PJT@CT@JT@JT HT@GT 0HT@GT ET` GTLT`xJT@ȇHT GT`hET`CTʊ $