DOn the sunny Side of the Street@@@F@@@AF@@F@F@@F@@@@    !$ UN Grab your coat, and get your hat, Leave your wor-ry on the door-steM Just di-rect your feet To the sun-ny side of the street. Can'tH hear a pit-ter pat? And that hap-py tune is your step,N Life can be so sweet, on the sun-ny side of the street, I used tJ walk in the shade With those blues on par-ade. ButK I'm not a-fraid This ro-ver crossed o-ver. If IG ne-ver have a cent I'll be rich as Rock-e- fel - ler,F Gold dust at my feet, on the sun-ny side of the street.aB SINATRA.STYY o$ModeratoJimmy McHugh<1930 by Shapiro Bernstein and Co. N.Y.H@ZH>ZZ`@Z`(CZ`LZ LZHbKZJZ`HZ`pEZ`AZ`` @ZP >Z@ Z`0 @Z` HZ` GZ DZ0EZ0HZ`xEZ0AZ`,@Z0h>Z`CZ H@ZH>ZZ`@Z`(CZ`LZ LZHbKZJZ`HZ`pEZ`AZ``@ZP>Z@Z`0@Z`HZ` GZ DZ0EZ0HZ0<EZ<EZPEZ`AZ`@@Z h>Z`Z0"AZ`d#@Z$HZ`%HZ`%HZp&@ZH&CZH$'AZP(HZ`@)HZ0*@Z@*CZP*BZP,EZ`-GZ`x-JZsh.@Z`.AZ`X/EZsH0@ZH0>Z0Z`1@Z`(2CZ`2LZ 4LZHb4KZ4JZ`4HZ`p5EZ`5AZ``6@ZP7>Z@8Z`09@Z`9HZ` :GZ ;DZ0;EZ0<HZ`x<EZ@<AZP,=@Zh=>Z`=