GGod Bless the Child)D   FFFFLAFFFFLA L @ L @g FFFFFLA@@@@F@F@F^                               _( %( UN(Them thats)got shall get them that's NOT shall lose.So the BIBLE says & stillKis news.MOMMA may have,PAPA may have but GOD bless the child that's GOT hisNown,that's got his OWN.Well the STRONG gets more while the WEAK ones fade emtyN POCKETS don't ever make the grade, mama may have, papa may have but;GOD bless the child that's GOT his own, that's got his OWN.L Money, you got lots of friends, hangin''round your door but whenN money is gone spendin' ends,they don't come round no more . Rich re-Nlations give crusts of bread and such. You can HELP yourself but don't TAKEtooKmuch,MAMA may have,PAPA may have but GOD bless the child thats GOT his own, thats got his OWN.B J_WYNT_K.STY J!!Ƞ-wv?:A@CBd?CRLA@Z?'}ABCD=CHNA78F@ZHJH;ID$IPAuHN FB: HFf IPp F7H- C<B BD H CB= CRC AF37 ?<! BB/ CF(s B< CD2 AH)?9?2B= CWGXFP5FP/F;H1?4(B8CN/'FY#cF=:B$Q<=)AR+?@81?PYAFB=CUx$CRMxAD5?1LABoCUCULTA<F@#HJFHBSIR|Id@7HWF0 HB&IW}FPMCDCW7VCWHAHT?9B<CF49 B2F CPU AN< ?9!?4!B7!CW>"FR7i"FR,"F@"H:s#?00#BF #CU&#FY($FU$:87 %*KUd+H]&+Kb+H>+MP,HW5,KbB-HH E-IYI-J[]-HW -FU -I?.JN.HJ .F? .IN.JR0CB!0Kf%1KbVl1HR61K_wK2K;[2J:h2I9u2HY2KY42KUKC3HLZ3KP4HB 4IB4JP7 5JUP5JR5IN5JJe6F?56IDN6H!m6F[6HD6F97?W8ABF8B8 T8CHd8CR@9A>9?49AH(:B@5:CDS:C=O:A4;Fd;HD<HF<Ib<IdI<HR=F4=HB=IUb>FFR>CN?BW?CD8 @CP;j@AH=@?9ABBACNAB< ACH^KBAH7B?>UC?6CB: CCWFCF]?6DFW$tDF/~DHH3E?34nEBNwECW,EF[&EF?F:L+FZiFR7iFR,iF@iH:j?00jBF jCU&#kFY(]kFU l:87`l8sMPRsHWusKbtHH tIYtJ[]tHW uFU =uI?BuJNuHJ uF? "vIN)vJRwCB!xKf%[xKbVxHR6xK_wyK;yJ:yI9yHYyKY44zKUKzHLZzKP|HB |IB|JP7`|JU|JR|IN|JJeO}F?u}ID}H!}F[}HD}F94?W^ABB8 CHdCR@ZA>"?4?AHhB@uCDSC=O6A4Fd'HDFHFZIbIdI:HRڄF4HB&IUFFRCNBWCD8`CP;AH=?9BBCNB< %CH^AH7ډ?>?6ƊB: ϊCWFF]?vFW$F/HHs?34BNCW,F[&*F?܍:L+FR7FR,,F@:H:?00*BF 5CU&cFY(FU`:87xMPHWKb»HH ŻIYɻJ[](HW RFU }I?JNHJ 9F? bINiJRCB!TKf%KbVHR64K_wK;J:I9HY&KY4tKUKHLZKPCHB DIBOJP7JUJRIN JJeF?IDH!F[HD!F9t?WABB8 CHdNCR@A>b?4AHB@CDS!C=OvA4GFdgHDHFIb,IdIzHRF4;HBfIUFFR7CNGBWQCD8CP;AH=8?9'BB1CN^B< eCH^AH7?>?6B: CWFZF]?FW$F/HH?34BNCW,+F[&jF?:L+W