In Kentucky, two mwn tried to pull the front of a cash machine by running a chain from the machine to the bumper of their truck. But instead of pulling the front of the cash machine off, they pulled off the rear bumper of their truck. They then got scared and drove off leaving the bumber still attached to the chain. Unfortunately the bumper still had the liscense plate attached.
In South Carolina a man walked into a local police station, dropped a bag of cocaine on the counter,informed the desk sergant that it was a substandard cut and asked that the person that sold it to him be arrested.
A man sucessfully broke into the basement of a bank through a street level window,
cuting himself pretty badly in the process. He then realizes thet A) he could not
get to the money from where he was B) he couldn't get back out through the window
and C) he was bleeding pretty badly. So he dcalled 911 for help
A man walks into a convenience store and puts a $20 bill on the counter and asks
for change. When the cashier opens the drawer teh man pulled a gun and demanded
all the cash in the register. The cashier emptied the register and the man took it
and fled leaving the $20 bill on the counter. How much did he make off with?
Fifteen dollars.
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