Trying To Get By

1) Take a look around. Tell me what you see.
Is this the way that your life is supposed to be?
Take a look around. What do you observe?
Do others have the things that you feel that you deserve?


Sitting here watching you run around,
Unaware that yours ain't the only
Game in town

You do this and that but you don't know why,
Like a mouse in a maze, your're just trying to get by.

Take a while to think. Tell me what you know.
Are you really going where you want to go?
Take a while to think. Tell me what you feel.
Can you honestly tell the fantasy from what's real?


Take a real deep breath. Tell me what you smell.
Is it anything you know, or something you can't tell?
Take a real deep breath. Tell me what you want.
How can you not care? How can you be so non chalant?


Take some time to rest. Are you feeling well?
Are you sure that there's a heaven? Are you sure that this ain't hell?
Take some time to rest. Tell me why we're here.
I have a vague Idea but It's still not clear.

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