
History repeats itself, so the saying goes.
But how and where and when and why no one really knows.
Heroes come and heroes go. They never stay the same.
And when one's ready to retire, there's one more to play the game


Time may come.
Time may go.
It's not what but who you know.
Time has passed.
Time has gone.
Time will not stand still for you,
You'll have to move along.

You meet and make and leave your friends.
and you feel tha pain
Or the fear of undertaking such a task again.
And you dance and shout and jump and sing till the morning hours,
Or quietly talk of castles in the air and their ivory towers.


But I don't know
What I should do with what I know,
But I do know
One thing for sure.

Be you mice or be you men, often the best laid plans,
Seldom progress beyond the point of tempting idle hands.
When all is said and done, we claim not one regret.
Is that a blessing or a curse how quickly we forget.


History repeats itself, so the story goes.......

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